Global Impact: The Importance of International Sport

International sport is structured around international federations and associations that oversee specific sports. Examples include FIFA, which governs soccer worldwide; and FIBA, which oversees basketball internationally.

Research in divided communities shows that hosting an international sport event is able to create appealing spaces and opportunities for social cohesion and collective pride. Survey and interview findings converged to show that residents perceive these events as largely positive forces generating many community benefits.


International sports involve competitors from multiple countries. They bring together people of different cultures and nations in an effort to promote peace and understanding. They also help to foster economic development by providing a source of revenue for the participants and spectators.

In addition, the sport industry is often a major contributor to national economies. It provides jobs, contributes to local communities, and enhances a country’s image internationally.

The term grands evenements sportifs internationaux (GSI) is used to refer to major international sporting events in the French language. The French approach to characterizing large-scale sporting events is relatively simpler compared with the variety of Anglo-Saxon terms used in the literature. The purpose of this entry is to clarify the various definitions and nuances that exist within the GISI concept, while highlighting two seemingly representative definitions.


The purpose of international sport is to bring together athletes from around the world in a spirit of friendly competition. International sport also serves as a platform for social change, promoting development and peace.

The governance and organization of international sport are typically structured around international federations that oversee specific sports. They are responsible for setting rules and regulations, organizing events, and ensuring fair play and athlete safety.

The legitimacy of ISFs is often based on governance outcomes, such as the number of ISFs that have passed the ASOIF “Review of IF Governance” and their ability to deal with scandals and misconducts. However, it is important to note that a formal adoption of governance principles does not necessarily mean that ISFs have actual and effective implementation (Geeraert, 2023). Human resource management is another critical aspect for ISFs’ governance.


International sports organizations often serve as a mechanism to promote and regulate sport. They also provide a venue for international competition.

Governing bodies for various international sports can have complex structures and procedures, including national and international governing committees, councils, and advisory groups. International sporting events can also be subject to boycotts and protests over issues ranging from gender discrimination to racial tensions.

International sports organization such as FIFA have evolved since their inception in 1860. These sports federations are a symbol of the global nature of their athletic disciplines and often reflect international politics through the inclusion or exclusion of certain countries or regions. For example, after the end of World War II and decolonization, FIFA shifted from a European-dominated structure to one that includes numerous continental associations.


International development in sports clubs involves the expansion of a sport’s activities into foreign markets. This process can lead to increased revenue and expanded fan bases. It can also foster cross-cultural understanding and cooperation.

On a global level, international sporting successes can unify nations by instilling a sense of pride and identity. In addition, they can inspire young people to seek their own sporting glory. Know more about the global impart by sports from 해외스포츠중계.

However, a growing body of research indicates that the cultural integrity of international sports programs is at risk. Specifically, Indigenous voices are overlooked and misrepresented in current sport for development (SFD) programming. This commentary introduces pedagogical practices and strategies that can scaffold Indigenous knowledge into SFD programs. This will enhance program sustainability and revitalization. Moreover, it will contribute to the emerging field of research on indigenous SFD.


International sports events bring economic benefits to host countries through increased tourism, jobs, and infrastructure development. This is largely due to the global appeal of major sporting events that drive revenue streams from television broadcasting rights, sponsorships, and ticket sales.

In settings with social divisions, the neutrality of a sport event organizer (here a well-known international organization external to the region) can foster senses of community pride and help blighted or stigmatized places gain positive reputations and identities. In turn, this can support local integration and peacebuilding efforts.

However, many issues in this area remain a matter of concern, such as the use of migrant workers in building stadiums, sexual harassment and violence in sport, and discrimination against athletes of different gender identities. It is therefore important that sports governance at all levels incorporates human rights approaches and complies with relevant law.